If you are looking for G4KLX hotspot setup instructions they are located in this article.
Here are some notes on minor items which I found valuable while setting up the G4KLX image on the RaspberryPi:
- D-Star Repeater / Gateway configuration gets overwritten if you execute the configuration program while D-Star Repeater / Gateway is running.
Fix: Quit D-Star Repeater / Gateway application, modify and save configuration, start D-Star Repeater / Gateway application.
Note: changing the configuration files via command line (e.g. nano) doesn’t work either, the files appear to be overwritten when the D-Star Repeater / Gateway application exits. - DPRS not working:
Status display “Waiting”. Fix: Disable ircDDB then D-PRS status comes up “Active” and APRS beacons are transmitted. - Configuration files for D-Star Repeater / Gateway are stored in /etc folder and named "dstarrepeater" and "ircddbgateway".
- automatic startup files are located in /home/pi/.config/autostart/
- Instructions to install the Dashboard - http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-lighttpd-with-php5-php-fpm-and-mysql-support-on-debian-wheezy.